Your waggon pass is your receipt of entry this follows checkout via email. you can also get a copy from your my riding life account. Print it off and display on admission to the show ground follow the signs to the waggon park. Tickets/waggon passes are allocated according to the number of entries made details can be found in the schedule. Ring times are at the back of the schedule

Festival of Equine Showing Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th July 2024
A full schedule of showing with classes for all both affiliated and unaffiliated.
Durham County Show has the largest range of classes - more than any other area county show.
2024 will see a return of our popular driving classes.
We award luxury rosettes in 1st-4th. Championship rosettes and sashes and reserve champion rosettes.
Supreme Champion Sunday 7th July
Held in the Main Arena. The winner is chosen from all Champions/Section winners from Saturday and Sundays showing/Driving classes. Supreme to be presented with;
Pet 'n' Pony perpetual Trophy.
£50 cash prize
Luxury Show Rug donated by Tally Ho Tack & Togs.
Luxury Rosettes and Sash made and donated by Richardson Designs
Reserve Supreme Champion
To receive the Pet 'n' Pony Shield.
Luxury Rosettes and Sash made and donated by Richardson Designs
View the schedule and class times by clicking the download link below.

READY TO ENTER? - you can find all of our section schedules on our entry system click the entry button below to go to our entry system
my riding life and enter securely

Ring Times And Entry Numbers
Ring Times - Not before times
Ring times can be found at the back of the schedule these are not before times and are a guide only. Rings and times can change so please check before the show. listen to PA times for stewards calling rings starting.
Entry numbers
Click on the box for a full entry list. We advise all competitors be ready for the start of their section not before time. We have no ides of numbers forward until the day and cannot predict the time taken to judge classes.